Venice is Numero Uno! (Or is that #101??)

Venice is not an easy city to live in. But the tremendous cultural offerings and great food (which you'd be hard-pressed to find in another city of just circa 60,000 people!) make Venice number 1 for me! And apparently I'm not alone... From VeniceWord's "Buongiorno Venezia" newsletter:
"The economic daily Il Sole-24 Ore presented the usual yearly results about the quality of the life in the Italian provinces. The results for Venice are in ups and downs. Generally speaking, in comparison with 2005, the city moves up the table by sixteen places and now is forty. More particularly, Venice occup[ies] the first place for its cultural offer and exhibitions as well as the food-and-wine connoisseurship. It is located in the middle for business, health services, quality of transports and standard of living. Unfortunately, it brings up the rear as regards the public order and, above all, the cost of houses: Venice is next to last (place 101 out of 103 provinces in all)."

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