More fun but otherwise pretty useless quizzes...

Take the quiz:
What Trojan-war era woman are you?

Warlike. Strong. Brave. Queen of the Amazons who came to fight for Troy, killed by Achilles.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Take the quiz:
Which Tarot Arcana are You? (women)

High Priestess
Hidden influences at work, unrevealed future. Creative forces of the subconscious, the female side of the brain at work for the artist, poet and mystic. A woman of great intuition, inner illumination.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


I am The Empress

The Empress can refer to any aspect of Motherhood. She can be an individual mother, but as a major arcana card, she also goes beyond the specifics of mothering to its essence - the creation of life and its sustenance through loving care and attention. The Empress can also represent lavish abundance of all kinds. She offers a cornucopia of delights, especially those of the senses - food, pleasure and beauty. She can suggest material reward, but only with the understanding that riches go with a generous and open spirit. The Empress asks you to embrace the principle of life and enjoy its bountiful goodness.

What tarot card are you?

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